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Silver 625 €  •  Gold 2115 €   •  White gold 2385 €

Incl. VAT


Length 25 mm, ribbon 3 mm

Hair strands needed 40 pcs, minimum length 50 cm (20”)

All ribbon styles available exept 'broad stripe'.


Cufflinks. OMG, you think. Annoying, small, difficult, the other one always lost.

You ask yourself ”do I really have to wear them?”.  And you answer yourself ”yes, you have to. You have an ironed, fine, white shirt that can´t be worn without them".


Okay, okay – but you feel dispirited and uncomfortable.

Imagine if it was totally different, if you had cufflinks you can´t wait to wear.


nannasalmi cufflinks Polo could be that pair of cufflinks. Yes, they are small like any other cufflinks, but you would know that in them there is a woven ribbon made of your own horse´s tail hair and every time you have them in your hand you can feel the cool smoothness of metal and warmth of your horse.

Ordering and paying

Contact us and tell which item you are interested in.

We reply by email and give you further information about sending hair etc.

When all the details of your order are clear, you will receive an invoice by email.


Contact now!


  • Pituus 25 mm, nauha 3 mm

    Jouhitarve 40 kpl, minimipituus 50 cm

    Kaikki nauhamallit mahdollisia paitsi 'broad stripe'.

    Tilaa nyt!

  • Länge 25 mm, Band 3 mm

    Haare: 40 Stücke, Länge min. 50 cm

    Alle Bandstile verfügbar außer 'broad stripe'


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