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Silver 600 €  •   Gold 2095 €  •   White gold 2470 €

Incl. VAT


Length 70 mm, ribbon 3 mm 

Hair strands needed 40 pcs, minimum length 50 cm (20”)

All ribbon styles available exept 'broad stripe'.

You stand in front of the mirror, you put your tie on and look at your tiebars. Nothing special? Old fashioned? So seen. Wish you had a special one?

Well, here it is: nannasalmi tiebar Poco Loco. Made of solid silver, gold or white gold, a weave made of your own horse´s tail hair. And a good luck bringing horse shoe on it that tells in a very subtle way what kind of a man you are; an equestrian.

"I don’t wear jewellery, but a tiebar now and again. It often sparks interest and happily and proudly I always get to tell that there is tail hair of my first pony. It’s my most valuable and cherished tiebar I own." Kees, Netherlands


Ordering and paying
Contact us and tell which item you are interested in.
We reply by email and give you further information about sending hair etc.

Once all the details of your order have been confirmed, you will receive an invoice via email.


Contact now!

Poco Loco

  • Pituus 70 mm, nauha 3 mm

    Jouhitarve 40 kpl, minimipituus 50 cm

    Kaikki nauhamallit mahdollisia paitsi 'broad stripe'.

    Tilaa nyt!

  • Länge 70 mm, Band 3 mm

    Haare: 40 Stücke, Länge min. 50 cm

    Alle Bandstile verfügbar außer 'broad stripe'.


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