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Silver 1855 € - cubic zircons 24 x 1,3 mm
Gold 4760 € - diamonds 24 x 0,01ct
White gold 6160 € - diamonds 24 x 0,01ct 

Incl. VAT


Ribbon 2 x 6 mm
You can choose one or two ribbon styles to be used.

Hair strands needed 160 pcs, minimum length 70 cm (28”)
All ribbon styles available.



The most exciting thing about bracelet Aurora Star is that you can choose two different ribbon styles in one bracelet. That helps when you can´t choose your favourite pattern! And on the top of that you also get shimmering, glittering stones.


As the shades and tones of horse hair are natural, they always look good together no matter which colors or patterns you choose.


You can have two ribbons made of hair strands of one horse with same or different pattern. Or If you happen to have two horses, have a ribbon woven of hair strands from each of them.


If you think that "more is more" and "diamond´s are girl´s (second) best friend", this is your bracelet.


Ordering and paying
Contact us and tell which item you are interested in
We reply by email and give you further information about sending hair etc.
When all the details of your order are clear, you will receive an invoice by email.


Contact now!


Aurora Star

  • Nauha 2 x 6 mm
    Voit valita koruun yhden tai kaksi nauhamallia.

    Jouhitarve 160 kpl, minimipituus 70 cm
    Kaikki nauhamallit mahdollisia.

    Tilaa nyt!

  • Band 2 x 6 mm
    Sie können ein oder zwei Bandstile auswählen, die verwendet werden sollen.

    Haare: 160 Stücke, Länge min. 70 cm
    Alle Bandstile verfügbar.


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